Kyan Bielawski: Upper El Community Service Project
For his 6th year community service project, our recent upper elementary alumnus, Kyan Bielawski, chose to provide bagged lunches to the homeless community at Father Bill’s homeless shelter located nearby in Quincy.
Kyan's initial goal was to provide the maximum amount of 65 bagged lunches per volunteer group. He sent out a letter to the Adams Montessori community to ask for $200 which would be used to buy all of the supplies needed to make the lunches. In less than one week, our community had donated $800 dollars!
Kyan and his Cedar Room classmates were so excited and quickly came up with a plan to use this extra money. The first $200 went towards the lunches, $500 was used to purchase items on Father Bill's wish list - of clothing, personal hygiene items, household items, and other necessities. The remainder was donated to Father's Bill's to help them build transitional homes, shelters, and other needs.
Kyan could not have completed this project without the generosity of our amazing community!